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Joe believes that the American dream has always been rooted in the promise of educational opportunity for all. However, for too many young people, that dream remains out of reach due to rapidly rising tuition costs, fear of crippling debt, and lack of access to resources. 


Joe is committed to ensuring quality, affordable education for everyone–and that’s why in Congress, he is fighting to expand access to higher education, address the skyrocketing cost of college tuition, and ensure our institutions of higher learning are adhering to fair and equitable practices that place the needs of students first. 


In Congress, Joe has co-sponsored and is working to advance the following legislation:


HR 4674 The College Affordability Act

A comprehensive proposal to lower the cost of college, improve the quality of higher education through stronger accountability, and expand opportunity by providing students the support they need to succeed.


HR 8247 Emergency Grant Aid for College Students Act 

Introduced legislation that would ensure unanticipated financial emergencies do not prevent low-income students from pursuing and completing higher education. 


HR 2030 The College Transparency Act

Would modernize the college reporting system for postsecondary data by ensuring accurate reporting on student outcomes such as enrollment, completion, and post-college success across colleges and majors, while ensuring the privacy of individual students is securely protected.


HR 5739 Pell Grant for Students with Disabilities Act

Introduced legislation that would ensure students with disabilities have greater access to Pell Grants and provide the support necessary to earn their degree at the pace that works for them. 


H.R. 4371 The Strengthen CTE in Higher Education Act

To invest $200 million in postsecondary Career and Technical Education opportunities.


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