Years ago, our nation struck a basic bargain with all Americans. We promised that after putting in a lifetime of hard work, after decades of paying into the system, there would be a lifeline available that guaranteed income security and access to healthcare during one's later years in life.
Joe firmly believes we must honor the commitment and protect the promise of Medicare and Social Security, no matter what. In addition, Joe believes we must do more to ensure Americans can age with the dignity, respect, and high quality of life they deserve. In his first term in Congress, Joe’s legislation to allow older Americans to age comfortably in their own homes was passed into law through the Supporting Older Americans Act of 2020. Joe continues to fight tirelessly to expand access to vital safety-net programs and advance legislation that protect the benefits aging adults are owed.
In Congress, Joe has co-sponsored the following legislation:
H.R. 4895, Lowering Drug Costs for American Families Act
Lowers drug costs for individuals who are covered by private health plans, building on historic provisions passed into law in the Inflation Reduction Act.
H.R. 4583, Social Security 2100 Act
To increase benefits and ensure Social Security is financially stable through the year 2100 and beyond.
H.R. 82, Social Security Fairness Act
Repeals provisions that reduce Social Security Benefits for individuals who receive other benefits, such as a pension from a state or local government.
H.R. 547, Better Care Better Jobs Act
Establishes programs and provides funds for state Medicaid programs to improve HCBS, home health care, personal care, case management, and rehab services.
H.R. 1795, Homecare for Seniors Act
The bill would allow older adults to use funds from their health savings accounts for homecare.